Our Mission

People helping people. It's the only way to go. We are seeking a special kind of person. You understand enough about the Truth to recognize it when you hear/see it. Luke 6:38 speaks of generosity. Jesus Christ essentially taught that generosity has a self replicating power. When people activate their faith around being generous people, they soon realize what God can do in our life. Our mission is to restore the gift of generosity through benevolence.

An Accolade from One of Ken's Business Associates

Thanks Ken for putting the cards out on the table just like they are. People need to know just how our team is geared and structured to make the most money for us all. Ken has been working hard on this for two years and got it sorted out. I'm proud of what we have accomplished with his assistance. He already knows what the other marketers are doing out there to make money and how. We plan to use all of those internet marketing tools. Ken will be training us how. Ken is informed about them all. Just follow Ken with us in the Prosperity Connection and we will guide you to safe grounds. He has done all the hard work for us all.

Sherian Boros, NM, USA

Co-Founder of the Prosperity Connection

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Facebook

Evidence That Demands a Verdict

What does it take for you to believe the facts?

[1] Our own co-op members have already earned checks.

[2] Our Founder has 30 years of experience in this industry.

[3] He has the support of family and friends in the co-op membership.

[4] We did our due diligence. Will you do the same?

See the videos. Read our blogs. Talk to us. It's real.

Use the Bronze membership, unless you have received other instructions. One of your best decisions in 2011 for sure.